Originally during my brain storm, I wanted to do something beautiful like the different ways hands could speak without a caption, such as hands grasping, longing, reaching, or holding each other. As I started the project I laughed at throwing a middle finger in my zine. Along with this I remembered how unserious I am and how I enjoy funny more than I do serious and there was not a restriction to make my project beautiful compared to funny.
So with time my project idea went from beautiful to an assortment of a bunch of different middle fingers. After this I drew my first middle finger then looked up celebrities who flipped off the paparazzis. After seeing so many funny images that I didn't think got enough facetime, so I was inspired to focus on only celebrities flipping off the paparazzi.
This is more my style than my original plan, but I believe the idea formed perfectly and compliments who I am as a person, not crazy serious.
As for the people and characters I choose, it began with celebrities I admire and ended with who I thought would be the absolute funniest (including the cartoons, and Betty White and the Queen (Long live these two). The title of "POV: you are the paparazzi came later, but I think tied my group of photos together perfectly.
I did the majority of my images in Photoshop where I cropped and erased the backgrounds by hand and the cartoon characters I recreated and/or added middle fingers in Illustrator. Afterwards I edited them all onto Photoshop to create the zine. (Notice the Goddess Betty White, I made her hand, its not great and I did have inspiration, but I am proud:) )!
During the critique I had quite a few comments that they liked the theme or idea as it was pretty funny, but the main critique was that there was not enough images. I was confused by the image aspect, thinking that an image was a picture that was edited in, not a "page". I went back in and split the images to guarantee that there would be enough and so that the themes matched more from page to page.
In my critique it was also mentioned that I did not use enough illustrator as the Elmo, Mickey, and Ariel images look like they were pulled right from the web, I actually took them and then put them in illustrator, redrew them and then colored them in. (Screenshots added of this)
Lastly, it was agreeably felt as if there was no ending to the movie so at the end I added the "yeah you, go away" for Betty White.
